World Day for Safety and Health at Work

World Day for Safety and Health at Work with Vilasins

World Day for Safety & Health at Work is an important annual event that is observed worldwide to promote awareness about health and safety issues at the workplace. The day is recognized on April 28th every year and is designed to raise awareness about the importance of preventing accidents and illnesses in the workplace.

Today’s modern organizations are giving importance to Health and Safety by organizing events and activities that promote workplace safety and employee well-being. By prioritizing the health and safety of employees, modern organizations are not only promoting a positive work environment but also contributing to the long-term success of their business.

On this occasion, we reached out to few organizations to understand what modern day companies are doing to ensure the safety and health of its employees at work. From regular safety audits to training and awareness programs, strict safety protocols, use of technology to improve safety such as an access control system to restrict access to sensitive areas and monitor visitor traffic to having apps in place that track your daily mood, identifies your feelings and thought patterns, and lets you connect with an empathetic community anonymously to receive kindness, these are some of amazing initiatives by modern day organizations which not only ensure safety and health of employees at work but helps to multiply employees productivity. 

We are sharing the responses as received from companies from couple of organizations which will help you to see the full picture. We asked couple of questions and here they are:

 Accidents at work, diseases lead to devastating impacts not just on workers but on enterprises as well. How to avoid accidents at the workplace? How to ensure employees safety? 

 Sakshi Pal, Associate Director-Human Resource, Techwave: Safety first! Workplace accidents and illnesses can be detrimental to both individuals and organizations. At Techwave, we prioritize safety measures and provide comprehensive training to all staff members to prevent such incidents, we implement global awareness campaigns to promote safety measures and ensure that our staff is aware of the potential risks and how to avoid them.  We also conduct regular safety inspections and risk assessments to identify and address potential hazards. Our staff members are equipped with proper safety gear and trained in safety procedures and emergency protocols. We encourage our employees to report any safety concerns or near-misses immediately so that we can take swift action. To maintain a safe working environment, we conduct routine maintenance and inspection of equipment and machinery. Safety is our top priority!

At Techwave, we foster a safe work environment where our employees feel comfortable raising safety concerns and making suggestions for improvement. We promote a culture of accountability and emphasize the importance of maintaining a safe and healthy workplace as a core value.

Shubhangi Rastogi , Founder & CEO at Mind Alcove: Creating a safe workplace is not a one-time effort. It requires ongoing attention and effort to maintain safety and prevent accidents. Employers should conduct regular safety inspections, providing the right training to the employees on safety procedures, information should be readily available about potential hazards at the workplace.

Posting safety signs, proper protective gear and equipment, and an emergency plan for hazardous outcomes or evacuation procedures should be incorporated into the company’s health and safety policies. It should go beyond the policies and be regularly updated and informed to the employees. Involving the employees in the safety process by asking for their input on safety procedures and providing them with opportunities to offer suggestions.

 How to take care of your mental and physical health at the workplace and ensure safety?

Sakshi Pal, Associate Director-Human Resource, Techwave : At Techwave, we are committed to promoting a healthy work-life balance for our employees. To accomplish this, we offer various alternatives, including a hybrid work model and adaptable schedules, enabling them to manage their workload effectively. We also offer counselling services, wellness challenges, and training sessions to help staff identify mental health issues. Our time-off policies allow employees to take vacation, sick leave, or personal days to take care of their physical and mental health.

Our SPARK framework delivers a comprehensive Employee Value Proposition (EVP) that is crucial to our commitment to Techwave families and the community. Our EVP covers a 360-degree view and is essential to our success. Our monthly sessions and weekly activities, such as ‘Breathe, Balance, and Bliss,’ incorporate meditation, yoga, dance therapy, and more. Additionally, we are planning to launch gym sessions to provide our staff with more opportunities to stay active and healthy. 

To enhance our efforts, we have launched the #HealthforAll campaign, which includes a series of webinars by experts who address pressing health challenges facing our world today. We have invited industrial psychologists and learning and development experts to interact with our staff and cover a range of topics such as mental health awareness in the workplace, ways to reduce our carbon footprint, and first aid for stroke. We also share health-related content with our associates to raise awareness about mental health, manage concerns, and create a supportive work environment.

Shubhangi Rastogi , Founder & CEO at Mind Alcove: Taking care of your mental and physical health at the workplace is crucial to ensure your well-being and safety. Some ways to do that are.

  • Take breaks in your regular day, between tasks or meetings to give your mind and body a rest. Get up and walk around, stretch your muscles, or simply close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
  • Staying hydrated, and drinking plenty of water throughout the day is essential to maintaining good physical health. Always keep a water bottle at your desk and sip on it throughout the day.
  •  Eating well and a balanced diet. Including fiber such as fruits and vegetables and proteins. It’s important to stay energized to perform better at work.
  • Practice good ergonomics by making sure your workstation is set up correctly to prevent strain and injury. Adjust your chair, keyboard, and monitor to ensure proper posture and alignment.
  • Getting enough sleep is crucial for your physical and mental health. Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep each night to ensure you are well-rested.
  • Manage stress. Stress can have a negative impact on both your mental and physical health. Find ways to manage stress, such as     journaling, deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or exercise.
  • Speak up. If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable at work, speak up. Talk to your manager or HR representative about any concerns you have.

Taking care of health at work is not just your responsibility but also the employer’s. Employers should provide a safe and healthy work environment, including ergonomic workstations, regular breaks, and access to mental health resources.

 So, let’s join hands and spread the message of health and safety at work to create a culture and move towards a better world. As they say, “Safety is not an option, it’s a requirement.” Make safety a priority and work together to ensure that everyone can work in a safe and healthy environment.


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