Is Pornography a Leading Factor Contributing to Rape Incidents in India?

In 2022, data from India’s National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) revealed that nearly 90 rapes were reported daily in India. Research indicates that exposure to Pornography can contribute to harmful attitudes towards sexual violence. Addressing these issues requires both stringent law enforcement and educational interventions to combat the influence of such content.

Should the availability of pornography apps be regulated to reduce sexual violence? While some argue that exposure to pornography may contribute to harmful attitudes towards consent and aggression, others suggest that responsible access can potentially help by promoting sexual education and awareness. Regulating these apps could balance their educational benefits with the need to prevent potential negative influences.

Early socialisation and education play an important role in shaping healthy masculinity. Dr. Anusha Srinivasan Iyer, Social & LGBTQ Activist underscored the significance of these formative experiences in promoting respectful and fair attitudes in men. She says, “Improper upbringing can desensitise individuals to the value of treating women and others with respect. A sound value system is essential to guide children on the right path.”

She further elaborated that attitudes that prioritise sons over daughters and view daughters as lesser should be challenged. Negative influences can enhance harmful behaviours, and some individuals may seek inappropriate outlets for their feelings. Also, the attitude of men comes first, and sons are forever, and the daughter is ‘Paraya Dhan’ should go away. Addressing and correcting misguided upbringings is crucial for promoting respectful attitudes towards women. This approach will not only help in cultivating empathy and respect from an early age but also build a foundation for a society where gender equality is actively practiced.

However, media also plays a crucial role; its representation of gender and sexuality significantly influences societal attitudes towards sexual violence. Responsible media practices are essential in moulding these attitudes and supporting the broader goal of gender equality. Dr Chandril Chugh, the Director of Good Deed Clinic and a Senior Consultant Neurologist pointed out, “Exposure to violent or degrading pornography can have harmful effects by normalising aggression and perpetuating negative stereotypes about women. This type of content often portrays women as submissive or objects for male domination, which may promote attitudes of entitlement, control, or disrespect toward women.”

Consistent exposure to misogynistic content can indeed increase the likelihood of harmful attitudes and behaviours, potentially contributing to real-world violence against women. Promoting education and healthy media consumption is essential. When media content portrays women in degrading or objectifying ways, it can normalise aggressive behaviours. This includes content that depicts women as submissive or as objects for male pleasure, which can foster attitudes of entitlement and control. Such portrayals can contribute to a culture where sexual violence is more likely to be tolerated or excused.

Women keep the world balanced and compassionate. They are mothers, daughters, wives, sisters, and more. They are entitled to respect. Men need to control their behaviour and consume positive content to help create a more just and considerate society. When we support women, we empower everyone to thrive.


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