How Men's Empowerment Contributes to Stronger Communities and Families

By Gaurav Bhagat, Managing Director, Consortium Gifts

Recently it has been observed that the concept of empowerment has shifted from focusing solely on women to including everyone. Empowering men has become increasingly important for strengthening families and communities as the world moves forward. Empowered men tend to have a more positive impact on society and family dynamics, helping to build healthier communities.

But what does it mean to be an empowered man in 2024, and why is it important for everyone? 

Why Men’s Empowerment Matters
 As the world changes at a rapid pace and so do the roles within the family structure, men face certain issues which often remain un articulated. A 2023 report by WHO indicates that well over 40% of men in the world suffer from mental illness due to anxiety and depression caused by the need to conform to societal norms. Men’s empowerment to deal with these issues is therefore important in remedying the imbalance in individuals, in families and in society.

From the psychological point of view, new men are not only more perceptive and responsible in relations with women, children and coworkers but also act as positive role models of healthy young mens for generations to come. A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2024 stated that families where mens were emotionally intelligent and supportive for their juniors experienced yield of 25% improvement in child’s emotional health and academics.

The Link Between Empowerment and Stronger Families

This therefore implies that the definition of family has evolved over the years and all sorts of family structure is therefore expected to be evident in modern society. But one fact is unmistakable and unchanging—gender is a man as a partner, father, and a breadwinner of a whole family. Personal career successes, couple and joint interactions, gender equality, and involvement in childrearing and housekeeping as pro-feminist: Families prosper when boys become men who are free to display feelings, free from stereotyped role prescriptions and obligations to do household and office chores.

According to a survey by Harvard University in 2024, if fathers began assuming over forty percent of such responsibilities as child care and housekeeping, marriages of the two parents became stronger, and the children became more confident and developed higher emotional IQs. Hence, parents with engaging, warm dad’s also had lower levels of conflict and stress and consequently, the home was more supportive, for the children.

Case Study: Sweden’s Parental Leave Policy – A Game Changer for Men

The country that can serve as an example of how the idea of men’s empowerment in the family structure is useful is Sweden. The Swedes believe in equality, and that is why the Law allows the father to take up to a year off, which can be increased to six, and the impact is jaw-dropping. According to an EIGE survey conducted in 2024, 85 percent of the fathers in Swedish who took paternity leave said they became physically closer to their kids and 70 percent of couples noted an enhanced relationship after sharing child care duties. This model presents how it is good for men to be supported to take up non-conventional caregiving and working role models.

Empowerment Leads to Stronger Communities

It is only logical that when men are assisted to realize their full potential the same energy will be taken and spread in the community. In this case empowered men develop mentoring relationships with the young or young men, contribute financially or in other ways to organizations in society or are role models for change.

India has seen a positive social movement ‘MenEngage’ which has been promoting men’s emotional well-being as well as developing skills among the rural men. Since September 2018, the program has touched the lives of more than 150,000 men. Members of the communities which took part in this program said that there was a reduction in domestic violence by 30% and more than 65% of the men of the community were engaging themselves in governance and other development projects of the community.

How Men Can Empower Themselves in 2024
  1. Open up about mental health: Mental health challenges cannot be treated when such issues are kept behind the curtains. This means, men must accept the simplest form of openness to allow any form of communication. Citing the National Mental Health Survey of India which was conducted in 2023, every third man said that they have faced some or the other mental health issues but they are not comfortable to seek treatment. Personal insecurity and social interaction might benefit from getting professional help through therapy or counseling.
  2. Embrace non-traditional roles: Joining career and family or domestic duties is not a preserve for women alone anymore. The Global Family Well-being Report (2024) indicates that men who are involved in more domestic chores; cooking, cleaning or providing care to children, family satisfaction increases by 20%.
  3. Focus on financial empowerment: Financial independence is a measure of the level of men’s empowerment in terms of the ability to empower their families financially. Simple literacy for the future, money saving and getting rid of the bad expenses are some of the good role models to present for the young generation.
  4. Become mentors: Many people do not know that a great way to empower oneself is to empower others. Communities can change for healthier when experienced men invest time on mentoring the younger men or even peers. Forbes (2023) states that men protégés who undertake the mentorship exercise gain a 15% improvement in job and leadership fulfillment.

Men’s involvement is not only about rejection of stereotype images of masculinity but everyone, the men, their families and societies emerging into better and healthier lives. If men of 2024 are to embrace mental health, multiple roles, and finances, it means that they can form strong families and contribute to improved, more sustainable communities.

However, as we will further discuss what empowerment means in the larger perspective, it is important to note that empowering man has a symbiotic effect on the society as whole in that it makes the society harmonious and improves in every way for all the members.

Final Thought: Start Small, But Start Today

Whenever we portray the feministic side of the problem, we don’t have to think that it can change all at once; all that is needed is to make some changes to have the mens in control and improve the lives of their families and communities. It is so empowering in its simplest form, from checking in emotionally on oneself, or learning a new skill or just being present with the ones we love.


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