How Loneliness and Emotional Gaps Lead to Extramarital Affairs

Regardless of how financially successful we become or the luxuries we enjoy, the stability of our relationships is what truly sustains our inner world. Our relationship with our partner plays a pivotal role in our emotional well-being. When everything is harmonious, we feel on top of the world. However, when gaps, insensitivity, or conflict arise, people often seek validation elsewhere, leading to the onset of an extramarital affair. 

Ms. Priyanka Kapoor, a renowned psychotherapist and relationship counsellor gave her opinion on this saying, “Everyone needs validation, comfort, emotional and mental support. When there is the absence of appreciation, acceptance and comfort in a couple, you have too much emotional distance and hurt due to which one becomes lonely. In this situation, if a person gets attention, appreciation or acceptance from the other person, he gets carried away.”

When we step outside our marital relationship to get attention, chances are that you may get ignored again. In such a situation, you experience more pain than pleasure.

Ms. Divya Mohindroo, Counselling Psychologist and Founder of Embrace Imperfections shared her viewpoint on this. She said, “The expectations from the partner & the relationship are so high that when the needs aren’t fulfilled, people tend to lose track & lead to extramarital affairs for temporary distractions or new love which gives more excitement like anything new when it starts, however, the spark eventually dies when the same cycle starts with the other person too.”

But the point comes what are the most effective strategies for couples to recognise and address emotional vacuums before they lead to infidelity?

To shed light on this, Ms. Priyanka explained that “Couples should have open communication about the issues they are facing with each other. There must be a culture of respect and appreciation in the relationship. They must try to understand the emotional needs of another person like appreciation, acceptance, attention or validation. Long story short, couples should try to understand each other’s perspective and improve listening and communication skills.”

Mr. Sachin Mehla, a seasoned Couple and Family therapist suggests that “Regularly engaging in activities that foster emotional closeness, such as date nights, shared hobbies, or simply spending quality time together, can help rekindle the connection. Small gestures of affection and appreciation can also go a long way in reinforcing emotional bonds.”

Ms. Vidya Khan – Psychologist, Hypnotherapist, Somatic and Energy Coach gives a beautiful perspective on this. She mentions that “Planning the future and having common dreams and goals without judgment of another person is the glue to holding relationships together. Appreciation, understanding, intimacy, trust, respect, love, attention, and encouragement are magnets of any relationship. Just working towards these from both the partners can help stop infidelity.”

It is a sad reality that as emotional gaps in relationships grow, extramarital affairs rise, with many turning to online apps like Gleeden for validation and connection. These platforms exploit loneliness, making it easier for individuals to seek temporary fulfillment outside their marriages.

When we spoke to Ms. Sybil Shiddell, Country Manager India at Gleeden, she explained that “Being alone can make a person more vulnerable to extramarital affairs. These apps exploit emotional gaps by providing an easy and discreet way to seek the connection missing in current relationships.”

A marital relationship is like a job. You must work hard to get into it, and you must work even harder to stay in it. In a world full of distractions, staying committed and nurturing your connection is essential for lasting happiness.

To maintain a healthy and fulfilling marital relationship, couples must invest in emotional closeness, open communication, and mutual respect. Relationships thrive when both partners work together to meet each other’s emotional needs and nurture their bond. While external distractions may offer temporary relief, the true foundation of lasting happiness lies in the ongoing effort to understand, appreciate, and support one another. As we navigate life’s challenges, let us remember that a strong, committed partnership is the cornerstone of inner stability and enduring joy.


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