Take care of your mother! Happy Mother's Day

Mothers are truly a blessing, spreading unconditional love, guidance, and support to their children and everyone around them. They are the foundation of the family and their contributions cannot be overstated. As we grow up, we realize the immeasurable value of our mother’s care and nurturing, and we become more aware of the importance of taking care of their health in return. Yes! our mothers deserve the best care we can provide, not only for their physical well-being but also for their mental and emotional health.

We reached out to doctors, corporate professionals, individuals to understand what they do to take care of their mothers and what lessons we can learn from them.

Dr. Vibhuti Dhaundiyal, MBBS, PGDCC, DAM (Aesthetic Physician): “Mothers are a blessing because they provide unconditional love, guidance, and support that enriches the lives of their children and everyone around. As a doctor, I prioritize taking care of my mother’s health. I make sure to schedule monthly check-ups and blood work to monitor her sugar and thyroid levels, which are crucial indicators of overall health. Additionally, I encourage her to engage in physical activity like a daily walk or yoga practice, as it helps keep her body active and healthy. She’s an entrepreneur, writer, and an extremely hard-working woman and I truly admire her the most.

I also emphasize the importance of a balanced diet rich in protein and calcium, especially after menopause when our bodies need more of these nutrients. Skincare is another aspect of health that is often overlooked, and as I am an aesthetic physician, I make sure to help my mother establish a good skincare routine to keep her skin healthy and glowing.

Mental health is just as important as physical health, so I also make sure to check in on my mother’s emotional well-being. Small gestures can go a long way in promoting mental wellness, such as spending quality time together and engaging in activities that bring us joy. Overall, taking care of my mother is a top priority, and I strive to ensure that she is healthy and happy both physically and mentally.”

Dr. Vibhuti Dhaundiyal, MBBS, PGDCC, DAM (Aesthetic Physician), Vilasins
Dr. Vibhuti Dhaundiyal, MBBS, PGDCC, DAM (Aesthetic Physician) with her mother

Easha Patil, PR Professional: “Every child is close to his/her mother. The bond that we share is beyond our words to describe it. I remember writing a quote maybe last year on the occasion of my birthday, “A birth of a child is the rebirth of the mother”. What I meant to say was every year that we celebrate our birthday, we should not forget to wish her a ‘Happy Birthday To You Too Mom’. As it is, we are living this life because of her hardships while giving birth which comes with the threat of living and breathing once again with the child. This Mother’s Day, I asked her to let go of all the excess responsibilities that she’s carrying. Now that we are old enough to understand the practical yet material lifestyle. I believe expressing ourselves from time to time in any form is necessary since our pent-up emotions are prone to give us mental illness. And I am glad she took my advice and has started opening up with her emotions. Relevant or Non-relevant emotions kept under the sleeve for a long will make a person mentally exhausted. To live mentally happy, we need to support our mother with her rants so that she keeps living healthy year by year.” 

Easha Patil, PR Professional with her mother

Varad Kaushik, Chief Visualiser and Founder, Lazzie Turtle: ”Often I feel regret not being able to be with my mother during her final days in 2021, as I was in the ICU battling for my life with COVID-19 and my family did not inform me of her death due to my doctor’s advice.  While I am deeply saddened, hurt, and grieving, and I mourn her terribly, I am comforted by the fact that I did everything possible to care for her during her life. I prioritised her health by ensuring she had access to high-quality medical care. I routinely contacted her to ensure she was taking her prescribed medications and maintaining a healthy diet. I also ensured that she remained physically active by encouraging her to go for walks, practise yoga, receive body massages, or engage in light exercise regimens. I ensured that she consumed nutritious food, drank plenty of water, and received sufficient rest. I accompanied her to doctor’s appointments and followed up on any treatments or procedures that were prescribed. Most significantly, I attempted to be emotionally present for her. I spent time with her, listened to her concerns, and did my best to ameliorate her stress. I made sure she knew She was supported and adored.

We spent quality time together, reminiscing and appreciating one another’s company. I also ensured that she had access to her favourite activities, including reading and listening to music. I frequently took her out for coffee, to temples, beaches, or to her favourite locations, and we spent quality time together. By prioritising her health and wellbeing, I felt I was doing everything possible to make her life as pleasant as possible. In spite of this, I mourn her immensely because she was my best friend in this cruel world. I will eternally cherish the memories and times of love and support I shared with her.”

Varad Kaushik with his Mother Mala Kaushik, Happy Mother's Day, Vilasins
Varad Kaushik, Chief Visualizer, Lazzie Turtle with his Mother Mala Kaushik

Dr. Jyoti Kapoor, Founder-Director and Senior Psychiatrist, Manasthali: “For our mother’s good health, both mental health and physical health are crucial. For example, older adults with physical health conditions such as heart disease have higher rates of depression than those who are healthy. Additionally, untreated depression in an older person with heart disease can negatively affect its outcome. Therefore, I ensure that my mother is holistically healthy. Since mental health in the elderly is often a neglected aspect in India, we make sure that my mother has sound mental health. To boost it, my mother indulges in lots of those games, which involve the usage of the brain. Just as the body needs physical activity and stimulation to stay healthy, the brain needs stimulation to stay sharp and avoid cognitive decline as we age. Every weekend we take her to meet her friends and extended family members so that she remains connected with them.” 

Dr. Jyoti Kapoor, Founder-Director and Senior Psychiatrist, Manasthali with her mother

Dr Ritu Sethi, Director, The Aura Speciality Clinic, Gurgaon and Senior Consultant-Gynecology, Cloud Nine Hospital, Gurgaon: “My mother is in the post-menopausal phase, where there is an increased risk of some health conditions such as cardiovascular (heart) disease, osteoporosis (weak bones) and urinary tract infections (UTIs). So, we ensure that she has a healthy diet and lifestyle and goes for her regular cancer screenings such as cervical (smear test) and breast. Since urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common for women n this age due to lower levels of oestrogen in the body, we make sure that she’s drinking plenty of water to help flush bacteria out of her urinary tract. Vitamin D, Calcium and exposure to the sun are also crucial for her. So, we get her vitals checked at regular intervals.” 

Neha Bahri, Founder, Director Bconnect Communications: Mothers are special creatures of the world. Every day is the mother’s day. On this occasion of Mother’s Day I would like to express gratitude for mothers who leave no stone unturned to nurture life of everyone.  I do take care of basic needs of my mother every day, these are like:

  • Support mental well-being: Spend quality time with her mother, engage in activities she enjoys, and listen attentively to her feelings and concerns.
  • Encourage regular check-ups: Remind my mother of the importance of regular health check-ups, including screenings and preventive care.
  • Promote a healthy lifestyle: Encourage my mother to eat a balanced diet, engage in regular physical activity, get enough sleep, and manage stress effectively.
  • Provide emotional support: Show empathy and understanding towards my mother’s emotions, offering a safe space for her to express herself and offering comfort when needed.
  • Encourage self-care: Remind her to prioritize self-care activities that she enjoys, such as hobbies, relaxation techniques, or pursuing personal interests.
  • Foster social connections: Encourage her to maintain social interactions with friends, family, and her community, as this can positively impact her mental and emotional well-being.

Remember, each mother is unique, so tailor your efforts to her specific needs and preferences.

Neha Bahri, Founder, Director Connect Communications, Happy Mother's Day, Vilasins
Neha Bahri, Founder, Director Bconnect Communications with her mother

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, it is imperative to acknowledge the beauty and importance of our mothers in our lives. As the doctors have emphasized, it is essential to prioritize our mother’s overall well-being and take steps to ensure that they remain healthy and happy. By making small gestures such as spending quality time together, promoting a balanced diet, establishing a good skincare routine, engaging in activities that bring them joy, and seeking regular check-ups, we can take care of our mothers and show them how much we value and appreciate them. So let’s make this Mother’s Day a special one by giving our mothers the gift of good health, which is the greatest gift of all.


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