Ayurvedic Treatment with Special Metals: The Cosmic Forces for Holistic Health

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Ayurveda, the ancient science of holistic well-being, transcends boundaries to encompass cosmic influences. It teaches us that our health isn’t just influenced by our bodies, minds, and spirits, but it is also connected to the energy that comes from the stars and planets in the sky. In Ayurveda, the universal consciousness pervades all matter. Natural elements like certain metals possess vital energy reservoirs known as ‘prana,’ rendering them ideal for healing, fortifying, and safeguarding the human body.

Pure metals like gold, silver, iron, copper, and others offer versatile therapeutic applications. Let’s delve into the unique properties of some of these precious metals:

  1. Gold – Nurtures the mind, body and spirit:

           Beyond its aesthetic allure, gold possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-aging attributes. It has been particularly known for conditions                     concerning the brain, heart, and lungs. Gold particles have even been applied in the treatment of certain cancers and AIDS. Furthermore,             gold reduces joint inflammation and alleviates pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis by slowing its progression. In its purest form,                   gold can serve as a tonic for the nervous system, enhancing memory and intelligence. It stands as a robust Ayurvedic remedy for heart                   and lung issues, as well as epilepsy.

          Here is a concise summary about the benefits of Gold:

  • Enhances memory and intelligence.
  • Strengthens the heart, and boosts endurance.
  • Beneficial for respiratory ailments like – asthma and breathlessness.
  • Prevents sagging skin and minimises age-related skin blemishes.

         How to consume it?

         One common method is to place a small piece of pure gold (typically in very small quantities) in water and boil it until about half of the                   water has evaporated. Ayurvedic practitioners may incorporate gold into specific herbal formulations, known as Rasayanas or Bhasmas,               for health benefits. These formulations are prepared and prescribed by Ayurvedic experts.

  1. Silver – The Cool Healer:

          Silver has cooling properties for the treatment of any ailments and is used against digestive and urinary problems due to its antibacterial,            antiviral, and antifungal properties. This metal is also used to treat fever, weakness, and internal inflammation, and especially for bowel                and gall bladder problems. To use the healing power of silver, you can prepare water in the same way as for gold. Another method of                        extracting the positive qualities of silver is to drink warm milk that has been heated in a silver vessel.

         Here is a concise summary about the benefits of Silver:

  • Promotes strength and endurance.
  • Helps in managing blood pressure and supports the gastrointestinal system.
  • Helps in the treatment of inflammatory conditions affecting the gallbladder and liver.

       How to consume it?

       You can place a silver coin in a glass of water overnight and then consume the water in the morning. Extreme thin silver foil is also safe for           consumption, which is often used to decorate food and drinks, particularly desserts and beverages. 

  1. Copper – Balances vitality and wellness:

           Copper, another valuable metal, finds its place in Ayurvedic therapies for its diverse benefits. It is known for its ability to balance                               excesses, making it useful for various conditions. Copper supports liver and immune health and is employed in managing excess fat and                 treating specific ailments like obesity and edema. It also aids in blood production, strengthens the nervous system, and is used in various             forms for therapeutic purposes, such as alleviating headaches and joint pain.

         Here is a concise summary about the benefits of Copper:

  • It is utilised in the treatment of obesity, anaemia and edema.
  • Helps alleviate headaches and lowers blood pressure.
  • Helps alleviate insomnia and eases joint & muscle discomfort.
  • Enhances metabolism and increases insulin activity.

         How to consume it?

         Traditional copper vessels can be used for storing and drinking water. However, it is important to ensure that the copper vessels are                       properly maintained and cleaned to prevent contamination.

  1. Iron – The Essential Life Force:

          It plays a pivotal role in upholding our vitality and well-being. Firstly, it helps in creation haemoglobin, the red blood cell which helps                        carry oxygen throughout our body. Further, it plays a vital role in the formation of myoglobin – a muscle protein that stores oxygen,                          supports muscle contractions and physical performance.

         Here is a concise summary about the benefits of Iron:

  • Helps transport oxygen throughout the body.
  • Prevents and treats anaemia.
  • Supports muscle contraction and physical performance.

         How to consume it?

        Cooking certain foods in cast-iron cookware can increase their iron content. Acidic foods like tomatoes and vinegar are particularly                        effective at absorbing iron from these cookware. 

 In the world of Ayurvedic wisdom and the elemental energies of precious metals, holistic well-being thrives, connecting us to the cosmos for vitality and balance.


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