Is Past Life Regression Therapy a Gateway to Heal Your Past Wounds?

Past life regression therapy is a fascinating approach for some individuals. They seek to explore their past experiences in previous lives to uncover deep-seated emotional issues, promote healing and accept the present. This helps a person come out of their fears, phobias and emotional baggage. Many people report feeling a sense of relief or understanding after such sessions. However, it’s important to note that the scientific community remains skeptical about the validity of past life memories.

The Experience of a Past Life Regression Session

Yuvika Dutta, a renowned Psychotherapist says that “During a past life regression session, what people can expect is to be guided into a deeply relaxed state, generally it is done through hypnosis or meditation. In this state, you might experience vivid memories, emotions, or scenes from what are believed to be from your previous/past lives. As therapists, we usually start by asking questions or guiding the individual through imagery to help uncover these past experiences in detail, slowly and steadily. So, you might be asked to imagine walking through a specific door or any past event to access and decode memories from a previous life.”

She further emphasises that it is important to stay open-minded, patient and relaxed during past life regression therapy. It is a very subjective experience, henceforth it differs from individual to individual.

Similarly, Barkha Prabhakar, a Clinical Hypnotherapist & Corporate Wellness Coach adds that a “Past Life Regression (PLR) session occurs in a deep hypnotic trance state. The most obvious expectation when in an altered state of mind is the ability to view oneself in an unknown environment, experiencing various events, disconnected from the present life.”

Hence, it is recommended that one should expect to view past lives involving a tragic series of events because our minds will only take us to those past lives that have something to learn from. That’s the beauty and magic of our powerful subconscious minds.

Relevance in Modern Wellness Practices

The relevance of past life regression therapy in today’s holistic health practices is significant. Yuvika underscores, “It is often used as a tool for personal growth, self-discovery and self-understanding. Some people believe that exploring past life experiences can help resolve current life issues, such as phobias, relationship problems, triggers, certain behaviors, or unexplained emotional responses.”

She further supports her argument by saying, that someone with an irrational fear of water might find that it connects to a past life experience involving drowning. There’s a book called Many Lives Many Masters by Brian Weiss. There was this case going in there in which the girl probably is what I remember, did not trust her boyfriend. It was then experienced in the session using regression and hypnotherapy that the boyfriend used a dagger to kill her in one of her past lives and that too from the back which explains the mistrust.

Viewing past lives can reveal the origins of recurring issues in our current lives, such as dysfunctional relationships, persistent financial or legal problems, and ongoing health challenges. These issues often stem from past actions and intentions. Understanding these connections can help us address and heal our current struggles.

Understanding Karma and Healing Through Past Life Regression

Barkha clarifies saying “Past Life Regression (PLR) sessions offer insights into karma, revealing how past traumas affect current challenges. They help us understand our eternal nature, alleviating the fear of death. Additionally, PLR connects us with our Higher Self, fostering peace and gratitude. This deep connection encourages a fulfilling life journey, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and learning.”

Past life regression therapy is a powerful tool for personal transformation and healing. Past life regression therapy typically involves several key techniques. Yuvika elaborated on all the popular methods to access memories and experiences from what is perceived as the past like – hypnosis, guided imagery and meditation.  These therapies help individuals achieve a state of deep relaxation and heightened awareness.

Barkha mentions that during past life regression therapy, we induce a deep trance and guide clients using deepening techniques and tools that take them into their primitive minds where past life memories are stored. We cannot alter past lives. We can view them in a read-only format and get the required wisdom. This can be compared to watching a movie. Wisdom frees us from false perceptions about ourselves and our world. It also heals us from karmic cycles and issues that we have not been able to resolve with any other techniques such as inner child or age regression therapy.

Past Life Regression therapy is real. It’s not a drama. It is one of the most natural ways to enhance mental well-being. However, in India, we have always believed in multiple reincarnations and past lives. Hopefully, in the coming times, this understanding will gain wider acceptance and integration into mainstream wellness practices. Let’s live life regret-free and embrace our journey with openness and curiosity.


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