Can we live disease free life or do we end up just managing diseases?

With the rise of chronic diseases in modern society, it’s natural to wonder if it’s possible to live a disease-free life. Many factors such as poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, work pressure and environmental pollutants can affect our health and increase the risk of developing various illnesses. However, is it possible to prevent these diseases and live a healthy, disease-free life? All you need is to have your “health” as the priority of life.

Here is what experts have to say this World Health Day
Mr. Rahul Guha, MD & CEO – Thyrocare Technologies Ltd.

“At Thyrocare, in our endeavour to help people live healthier lives, hence, we have launched Jaanch which is a series of 26 packages curated for 9 crucial diseases under one umbrella, that cover heart health, diabetes, thyroid, cancer, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), women’s reproductive health, skin care, hair fall and fever. Jaanch helps stay one step ahead of diseases by reducing the risk of developing diseases and managing them better. At very affordable and competitive rates, Jaanch helps obtain better treatment, reduce overall medical cost, make healthier lifestyle choices and boost complete well-being.”

Rahul Guha, MD & CEO - Thyrocare
Dr. Karthiyayini Mahadevan, Head, Wellness and Wellbeing at Columbia Pacific Communities

“Health is not a state of physical, emotional, mental or spiritual well-being, but a resilience by which one bounces back from a state of illness to wellness. The process of death starts the moment a human is born. Equilibrium between the degeneration and regeneration is where the spark of life resides. Kindling this spark of life through working out our soul faculties which includes thinking and feeling brings in an equilibrium. Living a life with mindfulness helps one to connect with the body’s inner wisdom and thereby maintain dynamism in life.”

Dr. Karthiyayini Mahadevan
Sunny Singh, Founder, NUTRiHERBS

“Living a disease-free life may be a challenging feat, but managing diseases can also be an opportunity for growth and self-care. By prioritizing healthy habits such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, stress management, and proper hygiene, we can minimize our risk of developing chronic illnesses and take control of our health. While some factors are beyond our control, such as genetics and environmental factors, we can still take steps toward living a healthier life. Instead of fearing diseases, let us embrace a positive outlook toward wellness and take ownership of our health by making mindful choices every day.”

While it may not always be possible to completely avoid all diseases, there are steps we can take to reduce our risk and improve our overall health. By adopting healthy habits such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, stress management techniques, and regular check-ups with a healthcare professional, we can work towards preventing and managing diseases. So, rather than resigning ourselves to a life of disease management, let’s strive to live our healthiest lives possible.


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