Symptoms of diabetes in women

Picture of Dr. Debaaditya Das
Dr. Debaaditya Das


Diabetes is one of the biggest concerns to human health in the twenty-first century and is spreading very quickly over the globe. Diabetes is a chronic disease condition where either body cannot produce insulin or cannot adequately use insulin, resulting in increased blood sugar levels. The factors responsible for developing diabetes include an individual’s lifestyle, food habits, genetics, etc. Diabetes is linked to several health issues, including obesity, hypertension, and other heart-related disorders.

According to a recent study on diabetes among Indian women, out of 640 districts in India, 254 have a very high (more than 10%) incidence of diabetes among middle-aged women, and 130 have a moderately high (8.7-10.6%) prevalence. The rates were lowest in central India and greatest among women in southern and eastern India. Living in an urban environment, being overweight, and having high blood pressure, increase the chances of developing diabetes.1

Most of the time, symptoms of diabetes may go unrecognized and lead to complications in the future.

The symptoms of diabetes that one needs to understand are:2

 Frequent Urination: Diabetic individuals experience excessive and frequent urination, the most common sign of diabetes. Usually, glucose is reabsorbed by the body as it travels through the kidneys. However, when blood sugar levels are elevated due to diabetes, the kidneys cannot reabsorb glucose. As a result, the body excretes more fluid and produces more urine.

 Excessive Thirst: The amount of water lost by frequent urination causes the body to experience intense thirst and mouth dryness.

 Increased Hunger/ Appetite: A common symptom of diabetes is an increased appetite. One is under pressure to consume more food, which raises blood glucose levels and causes an additional weight gain. Glucose is lost due to frequent urination, which starves the cells and leads to increased hunger. The cells cannot take up glucose and produce energy if the body does not have enough insulin or is resistant to its insulin; this leads to increased hunger and fatigue.

 Blurred Vision: High blood sugar levels may cause fluid to move into or out of the eyes. As a result, the fluid balance may vary, causing changes in the eye’s shape and the ability to focus, leading to blurred vision.

Sudden Weight Loss: Lack of insulin prevents the body from delivering blood glucose to the cells for use as energy. When this happens, the body begins using muscle and fat for energy, resulting in weight loss.

Slow-healing sores or cuts: High blood sugar levels over time can harm the nerves and disrupt blood flow, making it difficult for the body to repair wounds.

Tingling in the hands or feet: High blood sugar can damage nerves throughout the body but frequently occurs in the legs and feet, which leads to tingling in the hands and feet.

It is essential to spread awareness about the signs and symptoms of diabetes to reduce its long-term complications. Regular doctor visits, routine screenings, and blood checkups can effectively help manage and reduce the burden of diabetes.


  1. Singh S, Puri P, Subramanian SV. Identifying spatial variation in the burden of diabetes among women across 640 districts in India: a cross-sectional study. J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2020 May 27;19(1):523-533. doi: 10.1007/s40200-020-00545-w. PMID: 32550205; PMCID: PMC7270370.
  2. Mukhtar Y, Galalain A, Yunusa U. A modern overview on diabetes mellitus: a chronic endocrine disorder. European Journal of Biology. 2020 Nov 23;5(2):1-4.


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